MHCC's Lived Experience Engagement Checklist

Maximising co-production, engagement and collaboration with people with lived experience

On 1 September 2023, the work of the Mental Health Complaints Commissioner (MHCC) was transferred to the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (MHWC). The materials on this page feature the original branding of MHCC.

You can still use the Checklist to self-assess and better understand your organisation’s local complaints processes and identify opportunities to make improvements.


The MHCC’s Lived Experience Engagement checklist (the checklist) was designed to support staff working in the public mental health sector to maximise engagement and collaboration with people with lived experience (for project /policy work, consultation, collaboration on pieces of work). The checklist looks to create the greatest possible opportunity to have lived experience expertise influence, design and drive the work within the public mental health sector.

The checklist is not an audit of public mental health services, rather it is an opportunity to self-assess the levels of engagement, collaboration and participation with lived experience within your service.

The checklist contains answers in a ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘partially’ format. If the answers you select contain a greater number of ‘no’; and ‘partially’ results as compared to 'yes' then we recommend using the the Lived Experience Engagement Checklist - Further Resources (see below) as a guide to help explore opportunities so that a ‘yes’ can then be selected.

Checklist and Further Reading List Files:

MHCC Lived Experience Engagement Checklist
PDF 220.15 KB
(opens in a new window)
MHCC's Lived Experience Engagement Checklist - Further Resources
PDF 139.13 KB
(opens in a new window)
MHCC's Lived Experience Engagement Checklist - Further Resources
Word 108.58 KB
(opens in a new window)

Frequently asked questions
